Several areas of data collection are needed to determine the best treatment plan for individual patients. By determining several characteristics early on in the sequence of treatment, predictions can be made about potential success, what the future might hold, and what the best choices are for success.
Step 1 - Compile the information requested below and email
Step 2 - Our medical team will review your submission and will respond with treatment options
Step 3 - A video conference meeting with Dr. Roberson will be scheduled as needed
Please compile the following items and contact our team at
Patient's full name and date of birth
A list of any known medical diagnoses or problems, past OR present – if none, please indicate "none."
A list of any prior surgical procedures and their dates – if none, please indicate "none."
A list of any current medications or known drug allergies – if none, please indicate "none."
Temporal Bone CT Scan – The CT scan must be from when the child was at least two years old or older; prior to this, it is not possible to determine surgical candidacy. The parameters for the scan are temporal bone CT scan without IV contrast. Including bone windows/IAC, 1 mm cuts or thinner. Please also note that it is necessary for Dr. Roberson to examine the actual scan images themselves, not just the written report, to evaluate the ear anatomy. The simplest way to share the scan with us is to upload the DICOM image files from the scan to a folder on a filesharing website of your choice (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) and then share access to that folder with this email address. If that is not possible, you can request that the imaging center provide an extra copy of the CT scan images on a disc and mail the disc directly to our clinic (the mailing address is in my email signature).
Audiogram – A specific hearing test that is performed with the child awake and responsive. It should test both ears and include both air conduction & bone conduction levels for both sides, which is necessary for identifying nerve function and any conductive hearing loss that might be present. If you prefer, the audiogram results can be emailed to us directly, or a printed copy mailed along with the CT scan disc.
Photos or videos of the patient capturing all of the following:
A photo of the face from the front, with the mouth closed
A photo of the face from the front, with the mouth opened as wide as possible
A photo of the inside of the mouth showing the back of the throat as much as possible
One photo of the face from each side (one from the right side, one from the left side) with the head in a neutral position
One photo of the face from each side (one from the right side, one from the left side) with the chin lifted up as high as possible